Can Marijuana Be Used As A Certified & Effective Medicine?


Scientists have been researching and debating on the potential use of marijuana and its components for medicinal purposes. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the Tetrahydrocannabinol (cannabinoid molecule found in marijuana), which has proven medicinal benefits. THC is used in medication in a pill form for cancer and AIDS patients. 

Several countries such as the UK, Canada, and other European countries treat chronic pain (for spasticity and neuropathic issues) with THC-based medicines along with CBD or cannabidiol. 

Medical Marijuana Study

Researchers feel that more study and in-depth research are required to observe the effect of the use of medical marijuana products. This is necessary to avoid the risk of opioid analgesic overdose fatalities. 

What is medical marijuana?

It is a term that signified the use of the marijuana plant or its components to treat health conditions. It is similar to recreational marijuana but solely taken for medical health purposes. 

Let us explore some superior benefits of medical marijuana:

1. Excellent pain management – The cannabinoids component in marijuana can effectively reduce pain by subtly altering the pathways of pain perception in the human brain. Chronic pain such as arthritis, migraine, endometriosis, and fibromyalgia can be treated with medical marijuana. It can also reduce the dependency on nonsteroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs. 

2. Treat inflammation – CBD components in marijuana can help reduce inflammation. This can aid in conditions such as IBS, rheumatoid arthritis, and Crohn's disease. 

3. Treat neurological issues – Marijuana has a direct effect on the human limbic system and therefore doctors often prescribe marijuana for curing mental health disorders including Parkinson's Disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, extreme stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, and Tourette syndrome. 

4. Quality sleep – The calming and relaxing effects of the drug can significantly improve sleep disorders. People suffering from pain may buy medical marijuana in the form of doctor-approved prescription pills and may get pain-free quality sleep. 

Communicating with a Marijuana Dispensary in Canada 

Marijuana is considered a Schedule I drug and not accepted everywhere as a certified medical product. However, recreational marijuana consumption is now legal in Canada. Rules may vary from state to state. It also depends on your age. You must be at least 19 years of age to purchase, possess or consume such recreational cannabis in Canada along with British Columbia. Sharing these products with minors is a legal crime. 

Many healthcare providers are not properly educated about its usefulness as a medical drug. Many patients visit medical dispensaries to get recreational and medical products. There are several licensed pharmacists and online certified stores that collaborate with reputed dispensaries in Canada to provide the best quality medical marijuana. Doctors may refer patients to a specific dispensary that offers recreational or medicinal products. 

According to Canadian News, private dispensaries and online outlets have been opened in some of the cities to give greater access to the citizens. You can find weed dispensaries in Canada, which are privately owned or government-regulated retail stores or offices. A person can purchase or buy cannabis or related products for their medicinal or recreational uses.


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