The Difference Between Different Types of Buds


Most people are aware of the different types of cannabis strains. However, few are able to tell the difference between low and high-quality cannabis. In fact, the quality depends on a number of factors, right from bud selection to transportation. Some of these factors are not visual and cannot be judged without checking their chemical composition. However, there are many visual cues as well that can help you determine this. You can get the best quality from BC Buds. 

The smell also plays an important role in identification. However, if you are looking at something that is packaged, you might have to rely solely on your eyes. Here are a few simple tricks and cues with the help of which you can pick out the difference. 

Low-Quality Cannabis

This is the kind of concentrate that contains everything. You will not only see buds but some seeds and stems in the mix as well. This type of material is generally transported after undergoing compaction. This causes the mixture to be lumpy. If it is transported without compaction, then you will see the mixture as light and floaty. 

Generally, low-quality cannabis has a very little color. You will be mostly shades of brown with some green, but nothing more. Plant-wise, these are also the plants that were not grown properly or received little care. Harsh sunlight and wind make them less effective. Thus, these are generally not advised as the low quality can have several side effects. 

Medium Quality Cannabis 

This is the most commonly available segment on the market. They are mostly green in color. In between, you might even see some flashes of color. These can be some dashes of purple and even orange. The mixture will also be more homogeneous. You will not find too many stems or shakes, or you may find very little ones. 

Even among medium-quality cuts, you can look out for the cut to see which type is better. When cutting is done in a hurry, you will notice that buds might also be affected. Look for a packet that has proper buds and minimal stems. This will also show that the plants were taken care of. People generally buy this quality more than the other two. The effects are pleasurable and better than the low-grade ones. 

High-Quality Cannabis

Of course, this is the best option out of the three. High-quality cannabis can be easily recognized based on the mixture. It contains a homogeneous mix of buds. It has a strong smell but most importantly - it is full of colors. You will clearly be able to understand the bud shapes and notice the colors of the pistils. 

You will find the buds to be very healthy-looking and plump. If you are looking at flavor options, then there will also be a covering of resin. You can get these from a BC Bud Store. 

With these basic tips, you can now easily identify cannabis types. In the end, you can store your items in a cold, dark place to avoid mold. Do not expose it to too much sunlight. The UV rays can affect the chemicals within the cannabis. Look upon BC Buds to find the right strains.


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